
樓主: cataztrophe

Picked up White Girl









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 樓主| 發表於 2023-5-7 05:52:19 | 顯示全部樓層
greenhat 發表於 2023-5-5 14:38
Is Baby hot?  What happened to her after?

Well, the first time I met her she is a skinny spinner but her face isnt any good, I think skinny banging whore has a better face, but then Baby went got fake breast so has a banging body now.  

Then baby invited me over to her place for dinner.  The point was that Baby wants me to train her husband into a pimp and it is impossible, the guy isnt smart enough to become a pimp.  So I just went to scam some free dinner.  I got there and went in and my high school friend started showing me his japanese kitanas...LOL  He then busts out a machete and other swords.  I am wondering if this means anything...LOL  I think he means that he can slash himself in the throat with it if he finds out that Im tapping his wife...LOL  Then he was like, so what do you have to protect yourself with?  I am not dumb like him so even if I have weapons concealed on me, I wouldnt tell him what they are just in case he tries to swing his kitana.  You know, you have them catch them by surprise by the weapons that all of a sudden deploys in the palms of your hands within a split second.

How a female's mind works is that when her good friend is in love with me, baby liked me because her friend likes me.  Baby tells me that I am really lucky because so many girls are crazy for me.  She told me that she will be opening up her own gig and watch me to be there with her to watch her gig.  I was like, I cant baby, if I jam there with you then what if your husband comes by and comes in while Im tapping you doggy?  Baby tells me that she will not allow her husband to go into her gig.  Baby tells me that he is her husband but she is also looking for a boyfriend to pimp her out.  Man, it either you get none or when you get any, you get a lot of hits.

I had to decline this offer since I had a lot going on at the same time and the least I can do is try steal my high school friend's wife who owns sharp kitanas.  Also banging skinny whore will go crazy if she sees me hitting on other whores like I always do.  I think the two whores stopped being friend for a bit due to some argument...LOL  Banging skinny whore never dared to introduce me to her friends ever since...LOL

Once more point about kitanas is that we are all chinese and if you are using a kitana, why not grow a rectangular mustache and a middle parting on top of the kitana so you can look like a race traitor.  








Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 2023-5-8 23:27:28 | 顯示全部樓層
cataztrophe 發表於 2023-5-7 05:52
Well, the first time I met her she is a skinny spinner but her face isnt any good, I think skinny  ...

haha who wants to look like Hilter but that race traitor bit is funny (but there prob are too many irl..).  Anyway real authentic Japanese katana are forged steels though but most likely your friend has some knock-off








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 樓主| 發表於 2023-5-10 05:12:51 | 顯示全部樓層
sexpuppy 發表於 2023-5-8 23:27
haha who wants to look like Hilter but that race traitor bit is funny (but there prob are too many ...

I mean my high school friend isnt in a bad situation.  Like when I went to their place, we went to walmart first and when time came to pay, I was 20 yards away holding binoculars checking out who pays the bills and it was Baby.  Like Baby is the type who is willing to financially support guys and she is supporting my HS friend who is dead broke, like I dont think the guy is educated so working shit jobs or unemployed.  So even if the guy is a WF, Baby cant scam nothing off him and if she wants to be with him she has to pay.  But then in exchange my HS friend gave her a green card.  The only downfall is that he aint that bright of a guy so getting controlled by Baby and does everything that Baby says for pay back for financially supporting him.  The key issue is that he doesnt have control over Baby is why he isnt material to qualify as a pimp.  A pimp will make the whore financially support him while being in control.  But he aint bright guy anyways so he probably thinks it is ok taking orders from a whore.  Like my HS friend is for sure a good fighter.  You piss him off, he will run whoever over but when it comes to streets smarts, his brains is down the drains which brings us to the next part of the story.

So Baby insist that I train her husband in to a pimp.  So I was like ok I will train him, but you have to allow me to spend more time with him.  Baby was like ok.  Since I needed someone to drive me whoring anyways, I will use this as an excuse...LOL  So I tell my HS friend that if he wants to become a pimp, the best spot to start is to go whoring together...LOL  He started asking me, so will I be making a lot of money?  With the flock of skinny females that are after you, will I get the same and shit like that and I just told him what he wanted to hear...LOL

We go to a smaller MPAs known to have hot skinny whores.  I had to blaze before whoring so my HS friend tells me that he will go in first.  I was like ok.  I blazed and then went in shortly after.  When I got in he already picked a whore and in his session.  I saw the other two whores and picked the skinny one and go into a room.  10 minutes into my session I heard my HS friend arguing with the whore and it was so loud that I told my whore to get off of me when I was getting BBBJ.  I put on my cloths and then went out to see what is going on.  My friend told me that his whore scammed him.  She agreed on $120 for FS and then when my HS friend fucked her, instead of putting his cock into her pussy, the whore made a hole with one hand and stuck his cock into the hand hole she made.  Obviously this wont feel the same and when my friend couldnt cum, she rushed him.  My friend looked down and saw the hand hole and once he saw it, he got really pissed that the whore tried scamming him this way.  When the whore discovered that he saw the hand hole, she told him that she doesnt want to do him no more.

I dont know if my HS friend was talking shit or not so I asked the whore if she made a hand hole.  She responded with your friend fucks for too long so if she didnt denied, it means she did so I tell my HS friend that I believe him and I will back him up and I asked him what he wants to do?  My friend demands for a refund and his whore tells him I can only give you back $20 bucks.  My HS friend says no, I want a full refund or else......I filled in, we will stay here until you give my HS friend a full refund.  We will not let any customers in to do business.

Now the whore is like ok and leaves the building.  She comes back with her white BF who was the size of both of us combined.  Apparently her BF was waiting for her outside and now when there is trouble, she brought him in.  Now the whore with her BF beside her, she has her head raised up in the air, like you sick man of asia aint no match for my white boyfriend looking like she is higher class of chinese compared to us that she is fucking a white BF.  Like this is ridiculous, like she scammed my HS friend and now she brings her BF to beat my HS friend up.  The white guy was like what up?  My HS friend was like what's up?  You wanna know what's up?  He busts a concealed weapon and said this is what's up.

Man, they shouldnt be messing with my HS friend as he was known to be a vicious fighter in HS.  The white guy gets scared and started talking a lot of shit and will not give a refund.  So my HS friend goes into fighting stance with his weapon and it looked like he was aiming it at his head, the white guy notices too so guards his head and my HS friend smacks him in his knee caps and then his waist.  While the while guy was feeling the pain, my HS friend smacks him across the head with it and the white guy falls to the floor.

Man, I was like immense respects to my HS friend kicking the white guy's ass.  The white guys was furious and got up and charges into my friend and punches him so hard my friend flew up the air and fell is when I kicked him into the wall and he fell is when I jumped up and stomped him with both my feet with my body weight and I heard something broke...right after my HS friend beated him with all his strength.  The white guys was very badly beaten.

So we jumped the white guy good and my friend goes up to his whore and askes for a refund.  The whore was like, I will give you $40.  My HS friend slaps her in the face and say I want a $120 refund.  She gave it to him.  So my HS friend was like what about you?  I was like I will do it myself, I jumped over to his whore and slapped her in the face and asked for my refund as I aint gonna continue my session like this.  She gave  me back my money and we left.

Respect to my HS friend and I mean, he isnt a water fish when it comes to fights.  Then we chatted for 2 hours about the situation before we went to the next place.  My HS friend treats me as a good hing dai now cause I helped him out a lot.  I hope he trusts me enough to take care of his wife when he aint around...LOL   








Rank: 6Rank: 6



發表於 2023-5-12 01:08:30 | 顯示全部樓層
So you mean that your HS friend loves Baby, so I guess Baby loves him too right?








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 樓主| 發表於 2023-5-12 05:07:27 | 顯示全部樓層
I dont think Baby loves my HS friend at all, she is just using him.  They are using each other.  The main issue is that my HS friend is really obedient to her and listens to her shit.  Females only loves guys that are able to control them and smarter than them.  If a guy is getting controlled by the female, the female will feel that he is boring and wont love him.  Look at Baby, she is trying to seduce me while with her husband.  Why?  Cause she doesnt like the fact that she is smarter than my HS friend.  When she sees something better she will take off on him.  She doesnt love him at all but a mutual beneficial relationship.  Would Baby find someone better?  For sure, it is a matter of time.

Most of us are very experienced wolves here and I am sure everyone of us had experience with a female that goes around conning guys for cash.  You will ask yourself, in what circumstances will she settle down and stop conning.  The answer is when she meets a guy who can con her.  If a female has a IQ of 340, then she will most likely never love anyone unless once again she finds a guy will an IQ of 500.  There are plenty of females that I have met that I am not able to con cause they are too smart for me and I know I will get no where with.  That is why the first thing when you engage with courting girls is to evaluate her intelligence to see if you want to waste time or not.

There is no such thing as love in this world, it is all a game.  It is all a game of who is more intelligence.  It is either you con people or people will con you.  Then some idiot with no education will ask this question:  is it possible that the female isnt conning me and Im not conning the female to live a caring relationship our whole life?  = his brains is flushed down the toilets.  You dont be devious and brain wash your other half, she will rip you apart in your relationship.








Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 2023-5-12 13:33:14 | 顯示全部樓層
You can't just give into women (or really anyone for that matter); it is really just human psychology.  It isn't necessarily women want a smart man but women (and really human) are social animal that follow a pack leader/social structure.  And in a 2 person relationship that pack leader should be the man because for human that's just how it's historically (it predates modern civilivation).

As for those women that con guys for $, they are just gold diggers and you should in general avoid them like the plague.  They are good for one night stand and casual sex but even as friends you'd want someone more reliable.  They can make decent fuck friends though but generally they'd only go for you if u have $ given they are $ digger.  

Finally love is just a word we used to describe a feeling, and feeling by its nature fleeting.








長9王 / 耐力王 / 創會始祖 / 頂級元老

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發表於 2023-5-12 14:51:13 | 顯示全部樓層
sexpuppy 發表於 2023-5-12 13:33
You can't just give into women (or really anyone for that matter); it is really just human psycholog ...

I don't see love a feeling, love is something to make, so called " MAKE LOVE"
That's why we are in this forum








Rank: 6Rank: 6



發表於 2023-5-12 23:54:32 | 顯示全部樓層
危天行 發表於 2023-5-12 14:51
I don't see love a feeling, love is something to make, so called " MAKE LOVE"
That's why we a ...

YEs Grandfather, I want young pussy.

So cataz bro, what happens when a keeper sees you?  How do they react?  Also, you make yourself sound so pimp, I just dont believe you never gotten scammed before.  Do you mind telling us a story of how you got scammed lately?








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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7



 樓主| 發表於 2023-5-14 02:55:04 | 顯示全部樓層
greenhat 發表於 2023-5-12 23:54
YEs Grandfather, I want young pussy.

So cataz bro, what happens when a keeper sees you?  How do t ...

Part 1:

So I got threatening messages from a guy calling from an unknown number.  I didnt know what it was about.  I didnt know who the person sending the text messages were.  Since the person is implies that he is a guy, I pretended to be a 28 year old CBC girl...LOL  You know, a person is very disrespectful until he finds out you are a young skinny hot CBC and then it will be my turn giving him shit...LOL  Then I started testing this person to uncover who he is.  I found out that number one she knows that I burn.  Second she knows some secrets about one of my ex girlfriend.  

I tried luring him to telling him I want him to bang me hard.  I asked him if he wanted to fuck and he sent me a blushing emoticon.  This person is fucking talking shit, it is not my first day, this person isnt a guy.  She is a female.  She is pretending to be a guy while I was pretending to be a girl.  Think about it, if a hot CBC girl asks a guy to go fuck, if it was a any guy's response will be like, I will pick you up in 30 minutes.  Only a girl will blush if they want to fuck as they are too embarrassed to give you an answer.  Fucking bitch tried to scam me.  Then I did a series of con games to GYJed her since I know that she is female now.  I was able to transform the threatening behavior into love...LOL Talking about brute skill.

So now that I know the previous two mentioned points and that she is a female, I still need some more info.    I told her that I know who you are and you are not a guy which she denied.  I told her that she has to prove her identity while I test it out from her and I will perform a test now.  My gf was cooking dinner and I told her that I need her to talk to this guy on the phone and pretend that you are single and keep him on the line as long as possible while I have her on speaker.  So I called her and a really a guy picked up.  My gf spoke english to him and his english was perfect.  It is either a white guy or a CBC guy.  Now I got enough info about this person.  

I texted her back saying that my dream goddess is taken and I am so sad...LOL  I asked my sifu who knows that I smoke weed, one of my ex GF's secret, is a female who is dating or married to a white or CBC guy.  He tells me it is little red.  But what motivation does little red have to threaten me like this?  It doesnt make sense.  Anyways, doesnt matter if it is little red or not cause I poisoned the female and I told my sifu she will surface in front of me within 3 days as she is in love and dying to see me and probably wants to fuck me hard.  My sifu agrees knowing the techniques I employed.  I will handle her then.

The next day, a keeper Lily called me and told me my favorite skinny fake breasted spinner is at work her name is mina.  OMG, she is my favorite whore as her body is absolutely banging...LOL  Man she is like 90 lbs but got these DCUp super huge and hard fake breasts.  I was so happy as she is really so banging hot.  I was really excited.  I was at the gig in 15 minutes longing to see Mina.  I get in and the keeper starts showing me proof that Mina was here but left out for a bit and dont know if she will come back as she said she will bullshit.  What Lily's request was that I should wait in the living room.

I got into the living room and shit, I got scammed.  I got caught of guard as little red was sitting on the sofa.  Good one.  Mina isnt working today and it was a excuse to get me to show up in 15 minutes which I fell for.  So my sifu is right, it was little red.  Little red is a female pimp who is burn yellow paper sisters with keeper Lily.  So little red started explaining that she understands that my ex gf was trying to help pay off my gambling debts and gave me a certain sum of cash and part of the cash that she gave me is what she stole off little red and she demands for a refund of the money that was stolen for me...LOL  Oh ok, no wonder.  I didnt know that part of that money was stolen.

I mean little red is very average looking girl next door type of face, but tall and skinny.  She is loaded thou.  So I told her it is one think that I have to pay her back her money but on a separate note is that I want to confess the love I had hiding for a long time for her..LOL  Since we are in a whore house, I grabbed little red's hand and told her that why dont we go talk inside a cannon room.  Little red was like yeah sure.  So Lily gave us a bedroom (free of room charges).  I got in and we DFKed for 30 minutes and then I tapped her hard and she loved it.  Subsequently, I explained to her how I still have gambling debts so I cannot pay her back right away and might even need to borrow some from her...LOL  She agreed to lend me some money and I took it.  She then tells me that she understands why my ex gf pays gambling debt for me and tells me that I am not a regular joe as she thinks that I have some special skills and really powerful.

When keeper lily saw, her arms were trembling, it is just like what my reputation and even more severe compared to what she thought as she saw it with her own eyes.  She is scared shitless.      








Rank: 6Rank: 6



發表於 2023-5-14 23:26:57 | 顯示全部樓層
cataztrophe 發表於 2023-5-14 02:55
Part 1:

So I got threatening messages from a guy calling from an unknown number.  I didnt know wh ...

These are amazing real life stories.  This sounds like pimp god and little knife chan where you HS friend is dragon 6.

You figured out a complexed situation step by step and handled it well strategized and scammed the 女魔頭.  

Please big brother, can you please write part 2 of this story, I really want to listen to it.  Let me guess, you jacked the 女魔頭 and her big sister will get revenge is the plot of part 2 right.  I beg you to please write it faster as I really need to entertain myself.

In a African tribes there are hunters, musicians and storyteller, you are for sure will hold the position of a story teller of you were black.
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