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Call Girls de Luxe (Enquetes)(1979)
Released: 04 Mar 1979
Runtime: 76 Mins
Languages: French
Directed By: Gérard Kikoïne Michael Goritschnig
Actors: Brigitte Lahaie Richard Allan Cathy Stewart France Lomay Karine Gambier Desiree Cousteau Monique Carrère Morgane Piotr Stanislas Dominique Aveline Alban Ceray Dominique Irissou
Alternate Titles: téléphone 666 enquêtes spéciales pour couple pervers enquête 666! paris… telefon 666 call girls de luxe

Richard is asked to write a stimulating story about call girls but has no inspiration of his own. So, he asks Madame Brigitte to tip him off each time she sends one of her girls to a client. However, bad luck and clumsiness continuously get in the way of him recording any of the girls confessions on his cassette tape.

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